Saturday, August 8, 2009


Well a lot has happened since my last post, unfortunately none of it is progress on the boat. I guess that's not entirely true, I'll explain...

In May I got a job offer I just couldn't refuse, especially in this economy. So we spent the month packing up the house and took a family vacation we had already planned earlier in the year and then relocated to sunny southern California. No regrets, I was really burned out on the weather in the Pacific Northwest!

I had contemplated trying to sell this project and just buy another boat later on when we got settled but just couldn't seem to bring myself to do it. I had already invested a lot of time and money in this boat and had a custom main sail on order. Besides, the company I was going to work for was paying all my moving expenses. So I rented a 14' U-Haul solely for the purpose of towing the boat to CA, movers took care of the rest of the stuff.

So the following work had to be done to accomplish the move:

  1. new trailer bearings with bearing buddies
  2. new tires, including a spare tire with mount

  3. installed a tongue jack

  4. all new wiring and lights

So mainly just trailer work was done, a new trailer coupler and safety chains is still left on the to-do list. I cut out all the interior settee pieces so I didn't have to haul whole sheets of plywood and finished staining all the teak. Next step is to finish stripping the deck and start prepping for paint.

Can't wait to get started again! Weather is no longer an issue, just time.


dan said...

thats great Jay, where in socal did you move to? You might not be too far from me...

Jay said...

We moved to Riverside. We heard so many negative things about this city but have really grown to love it in the last couple months. We have been getting out every weekend to do some exploring, today we went up to Big Bear to scout out a good lake for the boat. Beautiful place!